
Battle of the toothbrush!

Tooth brushing either with an electric toothbrush or manual toothbrush helps physically reduce plaque build up in our mouths. There is evidence revealing that electric toothbrushing may assist with reducing plaque build-up provided that it is used correctly. Thus, electric toothbrushes are generally recommended for adults who have already developed the correct dexterity in toothbrushing appropriately. Children usually will require assistance with their tooth brushing and flossing. As a parent, if you [...]

Why a paediatric dental clinic?

Exploring options for your child’s first dental visit? Read on to find out why a paediatric dental clinic may be the best option for your child.  What is a paediatric dentist?  Paediatric dentists are registered specialists that have completed additional training to manage and treat children from birth through to adolescence. Infact, paediatric dentists study an additional 3 years on top of their bachelor of dental science to gain qualification in this [...]

Our Top Tips for Easter treats!

It's Easter again, and time to eat chocolate without the guilt! The good news is, you can enjoy those yummy chocolate eggs and still look after your teeth! We have put together our recommendations on the best way for you and your children to enjoy this time of year, still have the yummy chocolate and look after those gorgeous smiles. One of the keys is to know the amount of sugar you [...]

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