
Our Top Tips for Easter treats!

It's Easter again, and time to eat chocolate without the guilt! The good news is, you can enjoy those yummy chocolate eggs and still look after your teeth! We have put together our recommendations on the best way for you and your children to enjoy this time of year, still have the yummy chocolate and look after those gorgeous smiles. One of the keys is to know the amount of sugar you [...]

Is Fruit Juice really that ‘HEALTHY’ ?

‘Healthy’ juices may not be so good for your teeth Did you know that a glass of juice contains 6 teaspoons of sugar. That is almost as much as a glass of soft drink! Despite this, our minds trick us and we automatically think drinking orange juice is healthier than drinking soft drinks, but their effects on our oral and general health is essentially the same.  [...]

2021-06-08T17:30:18+10:00By |Nutrition|
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