We care about your child’s ongoing dental health
Children’s treatment options have evolved and changed so much over the years. No longer is the dentist only about fillings, cleaning and extractions, there are so many options available to help your child and their dental concerns.
The team at Kiddies Dental Care is constantly expanding their knowledge through ongoing training and attending professional seminars to find the best treatment options available for children of all ages. However some things will never change and the importance of regular dental examinations is probably the most important part of your child’s ongoing dental health.

Regular dental examinations
Healthy teeth play a key role in a healthy childhood, which leads to a lifetime of good oral health. Children need healthy teeth for chewing, speaking, and having a bright, confident smile.
Scheduling regular dental visits for your child is a vital part of keeping your child enthusiastic and motivated about caring for their teeth. Regular dental visits also are important to catch any problems with your child’s teeth early. Then any treatment needed can be done quickly before becoming a larger and more involved problem.
Children should have regular dental checkups every 6 to 12 months from as early as one year of age or when their first tooth appears. Visiting the dentist is also about educating you and your child about:
Treatment of tooth decay
The treatment of tooth decay (dental caries) may involve one or more of the following procedures:
During your child’s first visit we can discuss recommended treatment options for your child and provide you with a detailed treatment plan. The option to use Happy Gas Nitrous Oxide is also offered for children deemed suitable to be able to have this treatment in the chair.
Treatment in Hospital
For young children undergoing extensive or complex dental procedures, a general anaesthetic (GA) is highly recommended, as it will ensure a smooth dental operation and maximum comfort for the child.
Treatments available

Treatment in the dental chair
Our specialist rooms are designed with children in mind. The special features of our clinic include:
- Our treatment rooms are specifically designed for our young patients. Your child will see tailor-made dental chairs and lots of drawings and pictures on the wall. Your child will not see dental tools that may trigger stress.
- Television/DVD screens in treatment rooms for viewing during treatment.
- Large computer screens in treatment rooms to assist with patient and parent education and the viewing of dental images.

Treatment in the dental chair with Nitrous Oxide ( Happy Gas)
Nitrous oxide is a gas, commonly known as ‘happy gas’ or ‘laughing gas’. Giving nitrous oxide is a way to help reduce a child’s discomfort and anxiety during dental treatment. Your child will breathe the gas through a small nosepiece that sits on their nose.
Nitrous oxide makes children feel sleepy and relaxed, but they remain aware of what is happening around them. They may feel dreamy, floaty and warm. They may have tingling in their hands and feet and may be a bit forgetful. Nitrous oxide is only suitable for use in some children. This option will be discussed during your first visit.

Treatment under General Anaesthetic – Day Surgery
The treatment of dental caries may involve one or more of the following procedures: simple fillings (restorations) for small holes; pulpotomy or pulpectomy (partial or complete removal of the nerve of the tooth) for deep holes; placement of stainless steel crowns on extensive holes; extractions (removal) of teeth, if they are too inflamed, infected or beyond repair.
For young children undergoing extensive or complex dental procedures, a general anaesthetic (GA) is highly recommended, as it will ensure a smooth dental operation and maximum comfort for the child. During your child’s first visit we can discuss whether this is a recommended treatment option for your child and provide you with a detailed treatment plan.