
Stop Thumb Sucking

Many parents ask us what impact thumb sucking will have on their child and how they can help to stop it so we thought we’d share some insights we have. Firstly, thumb sucking is a very natural thing that many children do from an early age…and we mean very early. There is plenty of evidence that shows babies in utero sucking their thumb!    Why do they do it? Thumb or finger sucking [...]

6 Year Old Molars and how to help during their eruption?

What are the 6 year old molars? The first adult molar erupts between 6-7 years of age, commonly termed the “6 year old molar” or “first molars” and they represent new growth, meaning they don’t replace any baby teeth.  These first molars help to determine the shape of the lower face and affect the position and health of the other permanent teeth. They sit right behind the last baby tooth. As they [...]

Can a dummy affect my child’s dental development?

Sucking in babies, whether this is thumb, finger or dummy, is part of normal, healthy development. In the very early stages of life, dummy sucking is not a concern, however if it continues, it can cause changes to the teeth and jaws.  What are some of the problems we see with prolonged dummy sucking?  Many of the kids we see with prolonged dummy habits often do have issues with their teeth and [...]

What are fissure sealants and why should my child have them?

Molar teeth have deep, fine grooves (also known as fissures) and pits on their chewing surfaces. These grooves can be very difficult to keep clean and often, even the toothbrush bristles are too thick to brush the base of the groove. That means, even if your oral hygiene is impeccable, some areas are just impossible to clean thoroughly! This leads to an unwanted collection of plaque and food debris. If plaque and food particles are not [...]

Best Toothpaste for kids!

Toothpaste physically helps to remove plaque on teeth surfaces which can contribute to tooth decay or gum disease. Most toothpastes also contain fluoride, which makes teeth more resistant to dental caries and also aids in remineralisation of early carious lesions.  There are many questions around what age toothpaste should be introduced and what is the best type of toothpaste to use. The current recommendation from The Australian Dental Association (ADA) is to [...]

Brushing – Supporting your child while they learn!

Teaching your children to brush their teeth the right way! If you are wanting your children to learn how to correctly brush their teeth, then it’s important that you begin teaching them at a young age. By starting early, your children will become comfortable with brushing their teeth, making it easier for it to become part of a healthy routine. In a child’s eyes, brushing teeth can be quite scary, as it’s [...]

Flossing – When should I start flossing my Childs teeth?

Tooth brushing every day can help with removing most dental plaque, however brushing alone cannot remove plaque in places a toothbrush cannot reach, especially in between teeth. By flossing your teeth, you reduce the amount of dental plaque in between your teeth and help reduce your risk of dental decay and gum infection. Gum infection can result in gingival bleeding which is why you may notice blood when flossing your teeth. Bleeding [...]

Dental Emergencies and After Hours Support

ROYAL CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL Royal Children’s Hospital Emergency Department 50 Flemington Rd, Parkville VIC 3052 TELEPHONE (03) 9345 5522 Any child who has suffered a Dental Injury that has resulted in facial swelling or trauma. We would recommend going straight to The Royal Children's Hospital Emergency Department for medical attention. The Emergency Department at The Royal Children's Hospital provides urgent medical care to children and adolescents. The Department operates 24 hours a day, seven days [...]

2021-06-08T17:34:00+10:00By |Educational|

Lifestyle Choices and your Oral Health!

Oral health is essential to general health and well-being at every stage of life. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines oral health as “a state of being free from chronic mouth and facial pain, oral and throat cancer, oral infection and sores, periodontal (gum) disease, tooth decay, tooth loss, and other diseases and disorders that limit an individual’s capacity in biting, chewing, smiling, speaking, and psychosocial wellbeing.” All lifestyle choices have a significant [...]

Encourage good oral health with your children!

How to encourage good oral health with your children As any parent knows, it’s easy to second-guess yourself when it comes to the best way to care for your child. There’s a wealth of information out there on everything from how much screen time they should have to the best diet and educational tools. One thing that isn’t spoken about much is how best to encourage good oral health attitudes and habits for [...]

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