

Electric Vs Manual toothbrush, which is better for my child?   Tooth brushing either with an electric toothbrush or manual toothbrush helps physically reduce plaque build up in our mouths. There is evidence revealing that electric toothbrushing may assist with reducing plaque build-up provided that it is used correctly. Thus, electric toothbrushes are generally recommended for adults who have already developed the correct dexterity in toothbrushing appropriately.        Children usually will [...]

Did you know the average teen eats nine times a day? Choose wisely!

Even though your schedule is hectic and you eat on the run, you can select fresh fruits and vegetables instead of junk foods. Cheese, air-popped popcorn and yogurt are healthy alternatives to high-fat or high-sugar snacks. For the sake of your dental and overall health, do not let snacks take the place of nutritionally balanced meals.    Dental diseases such as tooth decay and dental erosion are very common health problems in Australia [...]

2020-12-14T09:16:45+11:00By |Educational|

The Importance of a Clear Airway in Children

Many parents don’t realize that the way their child breathes impacts on their facial and dental development. Airway is very important.   Nasal breathing is best for optimal cranial growth and development. As humans, we are designed to nasal breath. The nose is a filtration system and is responsible for warming and humidifying the air before it enters our lungs. Nasal breathing is responsible for the production of nitric oxide, which is a [...]

2020-12-14T09:17:03+11:00By |Airway, Educational|

Don’t fail your teeth this festive season

This holiday season the team at Kiddies want to help you and your children maintain good dental health.  We know it's a time filled with celebrations, parties and events with lots of tempting treats.   So how can we help you have a merry Christmas and start the New Year with a healthy, beautiful smile.   Maintain your regular brushing and flossing routine Remember that brushing twice per day is essential.  If you [...]

2020-12-14T09:17:03+11:00By |Educational|

Teeth Eruption & Shedding

We've all seen the signs of that first tooth appearing.  Rosy red cheeks, lots of dribbling, children being irritable, fists in the mouth and more.   For some babies this occurs around 6 months of age but it can start any time between 3 and 6 months.  There is generally a typical order each of the teeth appear but of course it does vary for some children.   Children will develop 20 primary [...]

2020-12-14T09:17:03+11:00By |Educational|

Who loves mousse? Tooth mousse that is!

Are your teeth getting the minerals they need? We all know that ensuring your body gets the right nutrients and minerals is essential for good health.  But what minerals do our teeth need in particular?   Fluoride is the one we all know about, but there are also other beneficial minerals – calcium and phosphate. The saliva in our mouth helps provide essential minerals that strengthen your teeth and protect the enamel, but [...]

2020-12-14T09:17:04+11:00By |Educational|

Stopping Thumbsucking

Many parents ask us what impact thumb sucking will have on their child and how they can help to stop it so we thought we'd share some insights we have. Firstly, thumb sucking is a very natural thing that many children do from an early age...and we mean very early.  There is plenty of evidence that shows babies inutero sucking their thumb!   Why do they do it?   Because it helps to [...]

2020-12-14T09:17:04+11:00By |Educational|

Tongue Cleaning

Did you know that brushing and flossing remove bacteria from teeth and gums but as much as 50% of the bacteria in the mouth live on the surface of your tongue?   And it’s these bacteria in particular that can be one cause of bad breath.   The best and most effective way of neutralising bacteria that live on the tongue is to scrape them off.  Your kids may think it sounds yucky [...]

2020-12-14T09:17:04+11:00By |Educational|

Back to School Snacks

With the school holidays over, parents and caregivers are back in the swing of making daily lunch boxes for their children and perhaps themselves as a way to ensure healthy choices are made but also to save a few dollars. Growing children require a range of healthy and enticing foods to steer them away from "grab and go" snacks that are convenient but not necessarily nutritious. As children spend more days at school [...]

2020-12-14T09:17:04+11:00By |Educational|

Baby Teeth Are Just As Important As Adult Teeth

Milk teeth, or baby teeth, are the first set of teeth that appear, starting from around 6 months of age up to around 3 years. There should be 20 all together. Baby teeth are generally whiter and resemble the colour of milk.   Sometimes, teeth may appear a couple of months earlier or later than the expected time, depending on the child. Baby teeth are temporary, and will eventually fall out making way [...]

2020-12-14T09:17:18+11:00By |Educational|
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