
Help soothe your teething tots!

Tooth eruption occurs when the tooth breaks through the gum, also known as teething. Teething is a great milestone in your baby’s development. The arrival of teeth can happen without causing any pain however, for some babies this can be an uncomfortable process and distressing for yourself and the baby. Teething usually begins anywhere from 6-9 months, in some cases this may be earlier or later. Common signs and symptoms of teething [...]

The best toothpaste for children!

Why use toothpaste? There are many reasons to use toothpaste. Toothpaste physically helps remove thick harmful biofilm on teeth surfaces which may cause tooth decay or gum disease. Most toothpastes also contain fluoride, which makes teeth more resistant to dental caries and aid remineralisation of early carious lesions. Additionally, some toothpastes have special ingredients to address staining and/or bad breath!  How much toothpaste should my child be using? For infants, toothpaste is [...]

What to do about that pesky loose tooth!

Wobbly baby teeth are one of the important developmental milestones for any child and parent. It can be an exciting time to look forward to, with the arrival of the big adult teeth, but can also spark anxiety and discomfort. This will usually start around the age of 6. From 6 to 12 years, children will usually have a mixture of adult and baby teeth. Wiggly and sore teeth can create anxiety [...]

Is it OK to put my baby to bed with a bottle?

We’re often asked by parents “Is it OK to put my baby to bed with a bottle?” Whilst this can be calming to an overtired or distressed child, the bacteria in the mouth thrive on the sugar that is found in liquids such as milk, formula and juice.  Couple that with the decreased flow in saliva when sleeping and we increase our chances of tooth decay in the baby teeth.   “But [...]

Baby Teeth – When should they show?

In our lifetime, we have two sets of teeth. Baby teeth (milk teeth or deciduous teeth) are the first set of teeth to appear in your child’s early life. The second set are the adult teeth (permanent teeth). There are 20 baby teeth altogether and they begin to erupt around 6-8 months and continue to progressively erupt up to 3 years of age. Children lose their baby teeth which are replaced by adult teeth typically starting at [...]

Your child’s first dental visit!

Did you know that the first dental visit is recommended to take place by the age of one but on average, children have their first visit at the age of four? First dental visits and care from a regular dentist are important factors in looking after the health of your child’s teeth and mouth. The best time to book you baby in for their first dental visit is when their first tooth [...]


Most of the time parents are happy just to get their kids to fall asleep, but have you ever noticed your child grinding their teeth? Teeth grinding, commonly known as “bruxism” is a problem that can lead to dental complications in adults. Bruxism is characterised by clenching and grinding of the teeth. But, is it bad for babies and children to be grinding their teeth?   What are the causes of teeth grinding? [...]

Stop Thumb Sucking

Many parents ask us what impact thumb sucking will have on their child and how they can help to stop it so we thought we’d share some insights we have. Firstly, thumb sucking is a very natural thing that many children do from an early age…and we mean very early. There is plenty of evidence that shows babies in utero sucking their thumb!    Why do they do it? Thumb or finger sucking [...]

Tooth Decay – Learn to spot the warning signs!

How does tooth decay develop? Tooth decay is a diet-related disease that damages the teeth. Teeth are covered in plaque, a sticky film that contains bacteria. When we eat and drink, the bacteria produce acids that break down the outer layer of the tooth (enamel). This is how decay develops. Dental decay can be found on both baby and adult teeth. Areas that are at a higher risk of collecting plaque and [...]

6 Year Old Molars and how to help during their eruption?

What are the 6 year old molars? The first adult molar erupts between 6-7 years of age, commonly termed the “6 year old molar” or “first molars” and they represent new growth, meaning they don’t replace any baby teeth.  These first molars help to determine the shape of the lower face and affect the position and health of the other permanent teeth. They sit right behind the last baby tooth. As they [...]

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