Common Concerns

What is a tongue tie and why do we look for this during a dental examination?

In our work we see a significant number of children with restricted tongues or “tongue ties”. A tongue tie limits the movement of the tongue so that the other muscles of the face have to adapt during speech and swallowing. Many children have a restricted tongue that is not picked up early as they have been able to adapt their speech and swallowing at an early age. Tongue tie is defined as [...]

What to do about that pesky loose tooth!

Wobbly baby teeth are one of the important developmental milestones for any child and parent. It can be an exciting time to look forward to, with the arrival of the big adult teeth, but can also spark anxiety and discomfort. This will usually start around the age of 6. From 6 to 12 years, children will usually have a mixture of adult and baby teeth. Wiggly and sore teeth can create anxiety [...]

Is it OK to put my baby to bed with a bottle?

We’re often asked by parents “Is it OK to put my baby to bed with a bottle?” Whilst this can be calming to an overtired or distressed child, the bacteria in the mouth thrive on the sugar that is found in liquids such as milk, formula and juice.  Couple that with the decreased flow in saliva when sleeping and we increase our chances of tooth decay in the baby teeth.   “But [...]

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