Give your child a BIG HUG they are very BRAVE!

• Take Panadol when you get home if required

• If bleeding occurs, bite on the pack supplied, for 10min. If bleeding continues, contact dentist on mobile Dentist number: 1300 555 555, page 177 776 or go to your nearest local hospital if dentist not contactable

• Blood stained saliva in normal

• Blood on the pillow is normal

• Your child may have numb lips/tongue/cheeks for another 3 hours – don’t bite, or pinch numbed area

dental chair treatment


After a tooth extraction, a blood clot forms in the tooth socket. This clot is an important part of the normal healing process. You should avoid activities that might disturb the clot. Here’s how to protect it:

• Do not rinse your mouth vigorously, or drink through a straw for 24 hours. These activities create suction in the mouth, which could dislodge the clot and delay healing.

• Do not clean the teeth next to the healing tooth socket for the rest of the day. You should, however, brush and floss your other teeth thoroughly. Gently rinse your mouth afterward.

• Limit strenuous activity for 24 hours after the extraction. This will reduce bleeding and help the blood clot to form.


• Have a relaxing day – avoid running around

• No spitting

• No rinsing


• No hot food, luke warm or room temperature are good

• No spicy food, no crunchy or sticky food

• From the next day – warm salty water rinses after each meal


Make sure to supervise your child tonight while they brush their teeth, its all about gentle brushing after a dental extraction.

• Do not clean the teeth next to the healing tooth socket for the rest of the day. You should, however, brush and floss your other teeth thoroughly, and begin cleaning the teeth next to the healing tooth socket the next day. The tongue should also be brushed. This will help eliminate the bad breath and unpleasant taste that are common after an extraction.

• The day after the extraction, gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water (half a teaspoon salt in a glass of warm water) after meals to keep food particles out of the extraction site. But remember not to rinse your mouth vigorously, as this may dislodge the blood clot.

As always if you are worried about your child after any dental extraction, please do not hesitate to contact us on 03 9372 8960 during our practice hours or after hours on mobile dentist number 1300 555 555, page 177 776 or go to your nearest local hospital.