Frenectomy (Surgery for tongue and/or lip tie release) and Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) at Kiddies Dental Care (KDC)
This information is a general guide only as there would be case by case differences and variations for each individual patient. As for all therapies, it is hard to estimate how many sessions are needed to achieve goals as everyone work at difference pace. Also the goals may change from time to time depending on abilities, compliance of patient and family support.
The information below is subject to change without further notice.
1. Pre-Surgery Phase
• Pre-Surgery Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) sessions
• OMT is $150 per session – Zoom (online) and face to face are the same fee. (Session fees are not claimable from Health Insurance nor Medicare/EPC programme)
At KDC, our OM Therapist is Alyssa Chan. Alyssa is an Oral Health Therapist with Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy Experience and Skills. She conducts the OMT programme for our clients. Alyssa works closely with Nicole Hutchinson, speech pathologist whom you had met at joint consultation.
• Number of sessions required to achieve the OM therapy goals are NOT set, it is based on individual progress.
• OMT accessories and OMT supportive Oral Appliances
All of our clients in OMT programme are supported by the following tools and two Orofacial Myofunctional Appliances (OMA) if indicated; subject to OM therapist/ dentist advice. These are at additional costs to the therapy sessions:
• OM Tool Bag $40
• Myospots $50
• OMA: Habit Corrector – internal reminder for correct tongue placement at rest $330 (if required)
• OMA: Myomunchee – chewing device to increase muscle tone and jaw stability $120 (if required)
Further information on Habit Corrector and Myomunchee can be provided to you when required.
2. Frenectomy Surgery
Frenectomy Surgery under General Anaesthetics by Dr Kar Mun Chan – a seperate consultation ($150) and then a seperate treatment plan from Kiddies Dental Care Hospital Care Team will be emailed to you. The treatment fee may be (partly)/ may not be claimable from your Private Health Insurance.
Frenectomy Surgery under Local Anaesthetic (in chair) by Dr Kar Mun Chan – a seperate consultation ($150) and then a seperate treatment plan from Kiddies Dental Care Admin Team will be emailed to you. The treatment fee may be (partly)/ may not be claimable from your Private Health Insurance.
Post Surgery Review
Dr Chan will review your child post surgery within the first 1-2 weeks. This visit will be $80
3. Post Surgery Phase
• Post -Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) sessions
• OMT is $150 per session – Zoom (online) and face to face are the same fee.
• Session fees are not claimable from Health Insurance nor medicare/EPC programme.
• At KDC, our OM Therapist, Alyssa will continue to conduct post surgery OMT programme.
• Number of sessions required to achieve the OM therapy goals are NOT set, it is based on individual progress.
(4) OMT Progress Review
Regular reviews during OMT and OMA are essential to ensure therapy is tracking in desirable direction (approximately every 4-6 sessions, or whenever the Therapist sees necessary).
Depending on the OM therapy progress or the OM goal, the Therapist may recommend:
- OM progress review / Update Management Direction – by Dr Kar Mun CHAN and Mrs Nicole Hutchinson $200
Attendance and Cancellation Policy for OMT sessions
- Cancellations – non emergency: Except for emergency situations, all appointments must be cancelled at least 2 working days in advance by calling or emailing our clinic. We consider the following to be examples of NON EMERGENCY reasons to cancel an appointment: vacations, prescheduled doctor appointments, family events, parties, recreational events, after school activities, lack of baby sitter, car trouble, traffic, holiday weekend, school holiday, day before or after a holiday, schedule conflict, and sibling illness.
- All appointments that are not cancelled at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled appointment will be charged a late cancellation fee of $80. This fee is not covered by insurance or other third party payer and must be paid in full no later than your next appointment. Patient will not be seen if late cancellation fee has not been paid.
- Cancellations – emergency: In case of genuine emergency, appointment must be cancelled as early as possible prior to appointment time. There is no charge for an emergency related cancelled appointment.
- No Show without Notification: All appointments that are missed without notification will be charged $80 for the missed appointment. This fee is not covered by insurance or other third party payer and must be paid in full no later than your next appointment. Patient will not be seen if late cancellation fee has not been paid.
- If your child is unable to attend your booked Face to Face session due to mild illness – your child will need to attend by Zoom online (otherwise full session fee will be charged).
- Closings due to weather: If our clinic decides to close the office due to poor weather, we will contact you. We do not necessarily close because school is closed. If we are open, and you decide to cancel due to weather conditions, you must do so at least 4 hours before your scheduled appointment to avoid a late cancellation fee.
- Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy will not be effective unless it is consistent and regular. Therefore, regular attendance at all appointments is important. Due to our clinics tight schedule, it may be difficult to reschedule sessions, and the available times would be limited.
- After school appointment times slots are extremely limited and may not be offered if they are not available. It is not possible to have after school appointments for every session during a course of care. Please consider these inconveniences carefully prior to starting therapy.
- If two consecutive sessions are cancelled, we will make contact to discuss if therapy could be continued in your circumstance. You child will lose the future prebooked therapy appointment slots and go back on the waiting list for therapy services, so that the appointment can be offered to another client. In this instance, you are welcomed to resume services at a later time when you are able to attend consistently. We wish to emphasise that this policy is not intended to disadvantage your child, but rather to assist you to gain the most of out of the therapy sessions as the frequency of attendance is crucial to outcomes.
- Our system sends SMS and email reminders, but these should not be relied upon. We ask you to keep track of any appointments you have made and to cross-check these with your child’s other activities.
- Inadequate therapy progress – we do strive to achieve positive outcome for all our clients. However due to the individual (eg. Inadequate engagement), family circumstance (eg. inadequate practice at home), or physical restrictions (eg. Untreated narrow palate, untreated tongue tie) – optimal therapy outcome cannot always be expected.
12. Due to current COVID Pandemic, you need to be prepared the OMT programme may only be offerred by Zoom online means when our practice or clinical practice is subject to lock down, at any short notice.
13. Unfortunately, with Zoom delivery, it may not be effective/ successful for some patients; which would delay therapy progress.
Please print name of patient:
Signature of patient/responsible person (if patient is a minor):
Relationship to patient:
(This policy document will be emailed to you and your acceptance and signature is required before we can start OM therapy for your child)
If unable to attend your booked Face to Face session due to mild illness – your child will need to attend by Zoom online (otherwise full session fee will be charged).
OMT sessions only runs on Fridays only (Zoom online or Face to Face)
Face to Face sessions are Fridays only at Kiddies Dental Care Clinic – 50 Buckley Street, Essendon.
Due to current COVID Pandemic, you need to be prepared the OMT programme may only be offerred by Zoom online means when our practice or clinical practice is subject to lock down, at any short notice.